How do you all do the spoilers?
I have lurked over many seasons of Survivor. Reading some, not all, of the spoilers. I think it is very interesting how you all manage to figure it all out. I have heard there are "spies" actually...
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You go arond calling people kids but you are probably the most immature person here!
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Untrue kid. At least I am fully capable of proper grammar and spelling unlike most of the illiterate hicks on this site.
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Dude I was a valedictorian at my high school. I really care what a person on a survivor site thinks of me.
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Well apparently you do. Especially considering you continue to reply to slanderous posts directed toward you. And I doubt that someone of your inferior intelligence even graduated High school, let...
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Hey man I was valedictorian!!! Go fuck yourself you pompous jackass. We all know valedictorian's are the biggest fruity kiss asses around. You either sucked off the ASB club or banged the principal.
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Some peoples have hidden info... they know someone who work for Cbs OR someone close to a contestant. Sometime peoples have small informations (weight loss of a contestant for example)..and sometime...
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Assplay hit it on the head...There are 3 or 4 posters who provide alot of spoilerish info before a season begins and everyone builds on it from there
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Quote:Untrue kid. At least I am fully capable of proper grammar and spelling unlike most of the illiterate hicks on this site. Vejas?
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Johnny- thank you. That's interesting. I appreciate you not sabatoging my thread :)
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Quote:Assplay hit it on the head...There are 3 or 4 posters who provide alot of spoilerish info before a season begins and everyone builds on it from there Basically, but the main difference between...
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spoilers come from many places there is the seg crew that talk, there are the locals that talk, then there is looking at video caps.
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ChillOne got his first spoiler by being on vacation in the Amazon right after the filming and talking to the locals. Wezzie and others have gone on location and dug up great info and pictures of...
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Quote:WChix this year said she got her info from someone who was there. I'm guessing it was a medical person since all her info was medically related - Bruce's evacuation, Ara's stitches, the no food...
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Glad somebody had the same observation that i had about is pretty clear that her(right,she 's a her?) got her info from somebody involved in the medical team. Waw, we're spoiling the...
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SHHHHHHHHHH!!! Stop this!!!!!!!! ;) I will tell you that you are somewhat wrong.........
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Wick, however you got your info, congratulations! Good job.
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Very carefully, because we don't want the spoilers to spoil, roflcicles
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The bottom line being that people like me, no matter how desperately we would love to spoil ANYTHING about the show, can only sit and look on as others have all the fun. If you don't have the $$$ to...
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